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Como su propio nombre indica, SolarCharger 960 es un cargador solar, pero otra de sus principales características es que es inalámbrico. ¿Qué quiere esto decir? Que si disponemos de un móvil compatible, podremos recargarlo utilando la energía solar y podremos realizar una recarga al 100% con tan sólo conectarlo a través del puerto USB.
El cargador cuenta con una batería de litio donde se almacena toda la energía que recoge del sol, aunque si lo necesitamos podremos recargarla utilizando también la conexión a un PC con el USB.
¿Cuánto tiempo tarda en cargarse de energía solar? Si optamos por la opción solar, que es para la que está pensado este cargador, tardaremos 22 horas de luz solar en cargarlo, si por el contrario preferimos el USB, tardaremos 3 horas. Hay que tener un poco de paciencia, pero merece la pena.
Por otro lado es importante mencionar la gran compatibilidad que tiene con la mayoría de telefonos actuales, ya que cuenta con 10 adaptadores con los que podremos recargar casi todo.
Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003 CPU: 500 MHz and above Memory: 256MB system memory, up to 4GB Graphics Card: standard VGA, 24 true colors Others: CD-ROM and mouse Microsoft Windows Vista , Windows 7/Server 2008 CPU: 1.0 GHz and above, 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) Memory: 512 MB system memory and above, up to 4GB Graphics Card: standard VGA, 24 true colors Others: CD-ROM and mouse |
¿Como contacto con el propietario de un sitio web? ¿Que popularidad tiene mi pagina en Digg o en Del.Icio.Us? ¿Que otras webs están alojadas en el mismo servidor que yo? ¿Mi competencia esta usando WordPress o Drupal? La pagina www.xyz.com carga muy rápido, ¿que hosting esta usando? ¿Es mi blog accesible desde China?
Si alguna vez te has planteado estas preguntas, aquí tienes algunas de las herramientas online mas útiles para ayudarte a saber infinidad de detalles de cualquier sitio web del planeta.
Todas las novedades de Face BookEsta vez les hago un tutorial por algunos mails que me llegan preguntando como pueden bajar Los Ringtones o Fondos a sus celulares si no tienen los cables USB o Bluetooth para conectar los celulares con la PC.
La idea es subir lo que queremos bajar a un Hosting WAP, es decir, que lo subimos gratis a una web para después poder bajarlo con el Navegador de nuestro celular. Es muy fácil... así que vamos al Tutorial.
Primero buscamos lo que queremos bajar.. puede ser un Ringtone en MP3, MIDI, AMR, etc o una Imagen en JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, etc. y lo bajamos a nuestra PC.
Vamos a Hosting Wap, que es un Servidor WAP gratuito.
Ahí vemos una breve explicación de lo que hay que hacer..
Y listo... nos aparece una pagina como esta....
Esa es la dirección WAP de nuestro archivo, en el ejemplo es:
Ahora solo queda ir a nuestro celular ir a la parte de Internet o WAP y con el navegador que tengamos vamos a la dirección WAP que nos dio la pagina, esperamos a que se baje el archivo y listo ya lo tenemos en nuestro celular.
Nota: Tengan en cuenta que las empresas de Telefonía Celular te cobran por usar WAP, el monto depende de cuantos Kb pese el archivo que bajamos. Consulten con su empresa cuanto les cobran.
Nota 2: Si no les funciona Internet o WAP en sus celulares lo mas probable es que se deba a la configuración, llamen a Atención al Cliente y pregunten como hacen para configurar su celular.
Otra opción la encuentran aquí
Cualquier duda la pueden hacer a mi mail que esta en la parte de Contacto
Visita este Great VideosFiled under: Desktops, Laptops
Never heard of Everex? They're the smallish, low-end PC maker owned by FIC (who we'd guess also might not know) that makes the Cloudbook (among other things). We only mention them because a third, even more unfamiliar company, a systems integrator named NewMarket Technology, is buying out 75% of Everex to flesh out their mobile hardware presence in certain developing nations. The sum's undisclosed, the transaction's due for completion this September, and you might still be wondering what it all means to you. Well, unless you live in Asia or Latin America, probably not a whole lot.[This post is by Joe Fernandez, a technical writer for developer.android.com who cares about accessibility and usability. — Tim Bray.]
We recently published some new resources to help developers make their Android applications more accessible:
"But," you may be thinking, "What is accessibility, exactly? Why should I make it a priority? How do I do it? And most importantly, how do I spell it?" All good questions. Let's hit some of the key points.
Accessibility is about making sure that Android users who have limited vision or other physical impairments can use your application just as well as all those folks in line at the supermarket checking email on their phones. It's also about the Mom over in the produce section whose kids are driving her to distraction, and really needs to see that critical notification your application is trying to deliver. It's also about you, in the future; Is your eyesight getting better over time? How about that hand-eye coordination?
When it comes down to it, making an application accessible is about having a deep commitment to usability, getting the details right and delighting your users. It also means stepping into new territory and getting a different perspective on your application. Try it out: Open up an application you developed (or your all-time favorite app), then close your eyes and try to complete a task. No peeking! A little challenging, right?
One of main ways that Android enables accessibility is by allowing users to hear spoken feedback that announces the content of user interface components as they interact with applications. This spoken feedback is provided by an accessibility service called TalkBack, which is available for free on Google Play and has become a standard component of recent Android releases.
Now enable TalkBack, and try that eyes-closed experiment again. Being able to hear your application's interface probably makes this experiment a little easier, but it's still challenging. This type of interaction is how many folks with limited vision use their Android devices every day. The spoken feedback works because all the user interface components provided by the Android framework are built so they can provide descriptions of themselves to accessibility services like TalkBack.
Another key element of accessibility on Android devices is the ability to use alternative navigation. Many users prefer directional controllers such as D-pads, trackballs or keyboard arrows because it allows them to make discrete, predictable movements through a user interface. You can try out directional control with your apps using the virtual keyboard in the Android emulator or by installing and enabling the Eyes-Free Keyboard on your device. Android enables this type of navigation by default, but you, as a developer, may need to take a few steps to make sure users can effectively navigate your app this way.
It would be great to be able to give you a standard recipe for accessibility, but the truth of the matter is that the right answer depends on the design and functionality of your application. Here are some key steps for ensuring that your application is accessible:
Task flows: Design well-defined, clear task flows with minimal navigation steps, especially for major user tasks, and make sure those tasks are navigable via focus controls (see item 4).
Label user interface controls: Label user interface components that do not have visible text, especially ImageButton, ImageView, and EditText components. Use the android:contentDescription XML layout attribute or setContentDescription() to provide this information for accessibility services.
Enable focus-based navigation: Make sure users can navigate your screen layouts using hardware-based or software directional controls (D-pads, trackballs and keyboards). In a few cases, you may need to make UI components focusable or change the focus order to be more logical.
Use framework-provided controls: Use Android's built-in user interface controls whenever possible, as these components provide accessibility support by default.
Custom view controls: If you build custom interface controls for your application, implement accessibility interfaces for your custom views and provide text labels for the controls.
Test: Checking off the items on this list doesn't guarantee your app is accessible. Test accessibility by attempting to navigate your application using directional controls, and also try eyes free navigation with the TalkBack service enabled.
Here's an example of implementing some basic accessibility features for an ImageButton inside an XML layout:
<ImageButton android:id='@+id/add_note_button' android:src='@drawable/add_note_image' android:contentDescription='@string/add_note_description'/>
Notice that we've added a content description that accessibility services can use to provide an audible explanation of the button. Users can navigate to this button and activate it with directional controls, because ImageButton objects are focusable by default (so you don't have to include the android:focusable='true'
The good news is that, in most cases, implementing accessibility isn't about radically restructuring your application, but rather working through the subtle details of accessibility. Making sure your application is accessible is an opportunity to look at your app from a different perspective, improve the overall quality of your app and ensure that all your users have a great experience.
Recomiento Oferta Hoteles y VuelosSeguramente ya lo sospechas, pero si quieres tener la certeza de que la velocidad de conexión que pagas no es la que realmente recibes, puedes hacerlo desde tu iPhone con Speed Test que es completamente gratis; la aplicación ademas lleva un histórico por fechas donde te muestra el tipo de conexión y la velocidad registrada.
Speed Test disponible gratuitamente en la AppStore | Escrito en iPhoneFan
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